Canada Day. Watched the fireworks on Vancouver's Burrard Inlet, sunset, twinkling Lion's Gate Bridge and stunning mountain slopes in the background. This place is mental, and maybe actually in a good way.
Sure it's small, but there are a lot of good people here and maybe even a few decent opportunities.
But after being gone from my west coast childhood home for nearly three years, I've for the first time been confronted with the fact that it's starting to feel like a foreign place. Sure the streets are the same, the mountains lofty and familiar and the ocean gleaming– but my social life here has taken a serious hit.
But like, what was I expecting? I haven't been around in what the Gays would call eons... just two months shy of three years. And each time I come back, I call one or two fewer people. And that kinda freaks me out. I mean, it's not just that I've fallen out of touch with some old standbys... a lot of people have picked up and left, leaving some voids in what would have been ample couches to sleep on and partners in crime to drag to the bar.
But the bigger part of the picture is that the same thing could happen to my life in Toronto, the one I carved out in just two little years. It's tough starting from scratch and I've now done it four times if my year in Australia counts. Meeting a whole crop of people on which you come to rely and trust isn't a snap, but I've been lucky enough to have managed in each new place I've flung myslef, including my latest desert home, Abu Dhabi.
But I mean, c'mon. There's a limit to how many times one can set up shop, especially if one wants to have a group of close and loyal friends. And right now I feel like I'm maxed out.
Think I'm spreading myself too thin.
I've got amazing friends in three different cities, but I think it's time to cool it and focus on the people I have, and fuck trying to take anyone else in.
Just my thoughts. But I miss Vancouver. It's a fucking incredible place. And I've got incredible memories of it.
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