Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Where are the atheists?

Are there really NONE here?

Just a mid-Ramadan reflection. Stoking the fires of my atheist mind.

On subservience, really. Because it seems as though that's what all of this pious rankling and restraint is all about, n'est pas?
Are we done, yet, with world religions that demand human beings to grovel, to, in my eyes, belittle themselves for the sake of some mysterious, mythical man? It kinda feels like people here are often living in fear, fear of effing up in some utterly reprehensible way that will make them seem somehow less grateful to the one and only God the good.

But it's not only God so many seem to fear. He has his minions, usually concentrated most potently in one's own family, who seem quick to judge and even quicker to condemn any blasphemous act that might stray from some ancient, and by definition, outdated, interpretation of a holy book.

Think, people, for yourselves! And then come back to the notion of religion once you've taken stock of what it really offers. Tradition? At the expense of progressive human rights, equality and an ever-curious mind? People the world over can't seem to get this straight.

Talk about peer pressure. From every conceivable angle. How can one decide for oneself? Isn't there great value in choosing one's faith?